Installing Using Terraform


  • Azure CLI: Instructions can be found here.

  • Terraform: Instructions can be found here.

  • Git: Instructions can be found here.

Clone our Terraform Repository

Use git to clone our repository to a suitable location.

git clone
cd $(pwd)/zebclient-vm-azure

Prepare Deployment

There are just a few steps to prepare for the deployment

Update Configuration

  • Copy an example tfvars of your choice from the example directory i.e. if you would like to deploy a ZebClient VM converged cluster, then copy the rhel-converged.tfvars.

cp examples/rhel-converged.tfvars terraform.tfvars
  • Update the following items:

    • prefix: Your cluster's name

    • zebclient_license_key: This can be found in the Zebware Customer Portal under Home -> View License Details (in license card) -> License Details

    • zebclient_mount_point (Optional): Sets the mount point name used by ZebClient when mounting in the agent nodes. Defaults to /fs/

    • ssh_source_address_prefixes: This should be set to the whitelisted IP address that can access the cluster once deployed. This can be refined later in the Azure portal

    • zebclient_cluster_mode: This variable value has already been preset according to the cluster mode. So, you shouldn't change this value. However, please refer to this page to know more about available modes and their descriptions.

    • netdata_claim_token (Optional): We make use of Netdata internally. To automatically add your installation to Netdata, you can add your claim token here

    • netdata_claim_room (Optional): We make use of Netdata internally. To automatically add your installation to a Netdata war room, you can add your room claim token here

    • location: Azure region

You have to make sure Azure region that you choose supports availability zones, otherwise deployment will fail. Read more about Azure availability zones here.

Initialize Terraform

Run the following command to initialize Terraform

terraform init


Run the following commands to plan and apply the deployment within the zebclient-azure directory.

terraform plan -out main.tfplan
terraform apply main.tfplan

The sample out below provides the public IP address of the management node. You can use the SSH keypair generated to SSH into this management node.

mgmt_node_public_ip_address = ""
mgmt_node_admin_user = "zebclient"
mgmt_node_access_keypair = <sensitive>

In order to retrieve the SSH keypair, run the following command

terraform output -raw mgmt_node_access_keypair > keypair

Make sure to store your Key Pairs in a safe and secure location.


From here you can either check the installation or jump straight to running your first tests.

Last updated