Data from External S3 Bucket

User Guide

Zebclient supports adding S3 buckets in the filesystem. This can be done by using the zebclient "inlet" command.

Adding an Inlet

$ zebclient inlet add mysystem \
   --inletname=public-nasa \
   --inode=2 \
   --dirname=nasa \
   --uid=1000 \
   --gid=1000 \
   --uri= \
   --region=us-west-2 \
mount request for inlet 'public-nasa' added

The inode number can be found with "stat".

$ stat /mnt/zebclient/mydir
  File: .
  Size: 4096            Blocks: 8          IO Block: 65536  directory
Device: 0,75    Inode: 2           Links: 2
Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x)  Uid: ( 1000/   jonas)   Gid: ( 1000/      js)
Access: 2024-02-14 13:39:04.456198031 +0100
Modify: 2024-02-14 13:39:04.456198031 +0100
Change: 2024-02-14 13:39:04.456198031 +0100
 Birth: -

A new directory "nasa" has appeared.

$ ls -lh /mnt/zebclient/mydir/nasa
total 36K
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonas js 4.0K Feb 14  2024 AVHRR
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonas js 4.0K Feb 14  2024 CMIP5
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonas js 4.0K Feb 14  2024 Landsat
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonas js 4.0K Feb 14  2024 LOCA
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonas js 4.0K Feb 14  2024 MAIAC
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonas js 4.0K Feb 14  2024 MODIS
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonas js 4.0K Feb 14  2024 NAIP
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonas js 4.0K Feb 14  2024 NEX-DCP30
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonas js 4.0K Feb 14  2024 NEX-GDDP

This directory is read-only. It is visible from all agents in the cluster.

Command details

The command zebclient inlet add --help will list all command-line switches, such as the ability to set accesskey/secretkey for s3, changing dirmode/filemode or scoping the inlet to a bucket subpath.

$ zebclient inlet add --help
   zebclient inlet add - Add an inlet, e.g. external S3 bucket

   zebclient inlet add [command options] <name>

   This commands gives access to external data from the filesystem tree on all zebclient mounts.
   A new directory will appear that reflects read-only access to the external bucket.

   $ zebclient inlet add mysystem \
       --inletname=aws-mybucket \
       --inode=42 \
       --dirname=mypictures \
       --dirmode=0755 \
       --filemode=0644 \
       --uid=1000 \
       --gid=1000 \
       --protocol=s3 \
       --uri= \
       --region=us-east-1 \
       --bucket=mybucket \
       --accesskey=AFIOHTGJWERITYNWREMN \

   --env-file value   Path to environment variable file
   --inletname value  The name of the inlet
   --dirname value    The name of the directory to create.
   --inode value      The inode parent to the new directory that the filesystem will create.
                      It is not valid to recursively mount an inlet within another inlet.
                      HINT: You can use for instance "stat" on a directory to see the inode number.
   --dirmode value    The mode that directories should have (default: "0755")
   --filemode value   The mode that files should have (default: "0644")
   --uid value        The user ID which the new files/directories should have
   --gid value        Same as uid, but group id
   --protocol value   What protocol to use (default: "s3")
   --uri value        The S3 service URI, e.g. ''
   --region value     The S3 region, e.g. 'us-east-1'
   --bucket value     The name of the bucket
   --prefix value     Scope to this prefix within the bucket
   --accesskey value  Optional. The S3 access key for the account. If not set then the bucket need to be accessable without access and secret key
   --secretkey value  Optional. The S3 secret key for the account. If not set then the bucket need to be accessable without access and secret key

The command requires first the name of the zebclient configuration, in this case "mysystem". This corresponds to zebclient trying to find configuration variables that are named ZM_MYSYSTEM_XXX, such as:

ZM_MYSYSTEM_BACKEND_000_XXX=<backend section> ....

Listing Inlets

To list existing inlets:

$ zebclient inlet list mysystem
        INLET        | INODE | DIRNAME | UID  | GID  | DIRMODE | FILEMODE | PROTOCOL |                   URI                   |  REGION   |   BUCKET
  lab-19-testbucket1 |     1 | bucket1 | 1000 | 1000 |    0755 |     0644 | s3       | | us-east-1 | testbucket
  lab-19-testbucket2 |     1 | bucket2 | 1000 | 1000 |    0755 |     0644 | s3       | | us-east-1 | testbucket2
  lab-19-testbucket3 |     1 | bucket3 | 1000 | 1000 |    0755 |     0644 | s3       | | us-east-1 | testbucket3
  lab-19-testbucket4 |     1 | bucket4 | 1000 | 1000 |    0755 |     0644 | s3       | | us-east-1 | testbucket4
  lab-19-testbucket5 |     1 | bucket5 | 1000 | 1000 |    0755 |     0644 | s3       | | us-east-1 | testbucket5
  minio-1            |     1 | minio-1 | 1000 | 1000 |    0755 |     0644 | s3       | http://localhost:9000                   | us-east-1 | mybucket
  public-nasa        |     1 | nasa    | 1000 | 1000 |    0755 |     0644 | s3       |      | us-west-2 | nasanex

Removing Inlets

To remove inlets:

$ zebclient inlet remove 00 --inletname=public-nasa
unmount request for inlet 'public-nasa' added

Last updated