Importing Your Data


Before proceeding with copying the existing folder to the ZebClient mount point, ensure you have completed the following prerequisites as detailed in the Guided Installation section:

Copy the Existing Folder to ZebClient Mount Point with Rsync

These chapters provide detailed instructions on setting up your storage backend, which is a prerequisite for successful data transfer to ZebClient.

Once you have ZebClient installed and running you can copy the existing location mounted to your machine to the ZebClient mount point located at /zcfs (default location) using Rsync, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal window on your computer.

  2. Navigate to the directory containing the folder you wish to copy with the cd command. For example, if your folder is located in your home directory:

cd ~/your-folder-path
  1. Use the rsync command to copy the folder to the /zcfs mount point. Replace your-folder-name with the name of your folder. Add -av to include all subdirectories and verbose output:

rsync -av ~/your-folder-path /zcfs/
  1. Verify that the folder has been copied successfully by listing the contents of the /zcfs directory:

ls /zcfs

You should see your folder, including its contents, listed in the output.

Your folder is now copied to the ZebClient mount point at /zcfs.

Please adjust the Rsync options according to your needs, and ensure /zcfs is the correct mount point for your ZebClient configuration.

Copy the Existing Folder from S3 to ZebClient Mountpoint

Once you have ZebClient installed and running you can copy the existing data from an S3 bucket to the ZebClient mount point located at /zcfs(default location), follow the steps below:

  1. Open a terminal window on your computer.

  2. Ensure you have AWS CLI installed and configured with the necessary permissions to access the S3 bucket.

  3. Use the aws s3 sync command to copy the folder from S3 to the /zcfs mount point. Replace s3://your-bucket-name/your-folder-name with your S3 bucket and folder path:

  4. aws s3 sync s3://your-bucket-name/your-folder-name /zcfs/your-folder-name

  5. Verify that the folder has been copied successfully by listing the contents of the /zcfs directory:

    ls /zcfs

You should see your-folder-name listed in the output.

Your folder should now be copied from S3 to the ZebClient mount point at /zcfs.

Last updated